Clogging is danced and enjoyed by all ages and genders and is relatively easy to learn. Below are videos from our actual classes to the Clogging Conventions to Intermediate and Advanced Cloggers and other inspirational videos for you to enjoy. If you require more information, or wish to enrol, please phone Sandy on 0412 050 279, 6654 8777 or download the enrolment forms for both Adults and Children on the Home Page and the Classes/Workshops Page.
Seaside Cloggers demo to teacher Sandy Hambly's choreo 'Indigo Swing' at the ACA Convention in Perth, WA.
The cake cutting at our first Birthday Party !!!
This snippet is from our Upside Down performance for the Coffs Harbour Eisteddfod. Choreo by teacher, Sandy Hambly.
.........Having our usual fun at one of our adult classes.
This video is of the actual adults class in their third lesson. All the students are total beginners to Clogging.
Seaside Cloggers represented at the 2015 ACA Clogging Convention in Gosford NSW with teacher Sandy Hambly
An Advanced Routine by Nathan Ballard, East Coast Cloggers, Australia - Best Day of My Life
Teaching Video of a Basic Plus Dance - choreographed by Sandy Hambly, Teacher. Teaching video of Little Piece of Heaven, a Basic dance. Done at full speed, but slower teaching videos are done for Beginner students.
2015 Australian Clogging Convention - Saturday night dance - Little Piece of Heaven.
A USA Clogger. Clog Tap is Universal and we all share our love of Clogging with each other around the world.
Teaching Video of an Easy Intermediate Dance - choreographed by Sandy Hambly, Teacher.
Teaching video of It's All Over Now, a Basic Plus dance. This is full speed, but again slower teaching videos are always done for Beginner students.
Teaching Video of Dixie Road, a Basic Dance.